Friday, 19 August 2016

"Drive North" - SWMRS, Review

Drive North.jpg
Above: album artwork for Drive North (@SWMRS Instagram)

This 4-piece punk-rock band of Oakland, CA, released their debut album under the name SWMRS this February. The album entitled Drive North, which was produced by Zac Carper of FIDLAR, breathes a new wave of zeal to the music scene. Its refreshing vibe has a good blend of influences and genres, with elements of The Beach Boys and Ramones shining through; in parts the album is even reminiscent of the sounds of Nirvana through its 90s grunge riffs.The sound this band have created is undeniably refreshing to see.

As for the lyrics, these guys have got it right. Their guitar driven tracks talk of what it's like to be a young person in today's society. They sing of how difficult it can be to follow who you are when people are trying to sway you to be an altered version of yourself. The song "Silver Bullets" reflects this angst in a way encourages you to listen to what they have to say. And the track "Miley" - pure genius. Lyrics are always important but these lyrics highlight their talent in ways that are indescribable. It speaks of society's inhibition to allow artists complete creative integrity by instead, punishing them for experimenting with new ideas by drawing a likeness to the media's volatile relationship with Miley Cyrus. "Miley" is an inspired track that is certain to make kids all over the world want to pick up a guitar, write a song and be themselves.

I could talk all day about the various tracks on the album and about how each one is as brilliant as the next, but instead, why don't you take a listen for yourself? This album is one that must be shared as its flair has the potential to inspire the next generation. Sure, it's a little rough around the edges in parts but that is what creates the beauty and uncompromising honesty of the record. 

Rating: 9/10

You can get hold of their album Drive North on iTunes here:

and view their YouTube channel here:

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